Having Issues with WebMail FAQ

Having Issues with WebMail FAQ

Use this article as a guide for troubleshooting problems and answering questions about EarthLink Web Mail. 

I don't know my password

If you forgot your password, you'll need to create a new one. Go to the https://webmail.earthlink.net and click the "Forgot your password?" link under the sign-in options and the following the prompts to verify and update your password.

I want to change my password

If you know your password and want to change it, sign in to EarthLink WebMail, go to Preferences and click the Account Security tab.  You can use the Change Password section to update your email password.

Web Mail is not loading properly or the Inbox is not showing any content

  1. Close your browser completely, this means any other windows you have open as well, reopen and then login to Web Mail again.  
  2. Make sure your browser has cookies enabled - How to enable cookies
  3. Clear your browser's temporary files. Check your browser's help for more information.

How do I import Contacts/Addresses into the WebMail Address book
Click on Address Book and then Import Contacts and follow the steps provided to import addresses.  Please note, only CSV files are currently supported.  See - Importing Contacts into WebMail.

How many emails/contacts can I include on a single email?
The maximum number of contacts on a single email is 100.  This includes in the To, CC and BCC fields.  It also includes the sum total of contacts on any Groups you include on the email.  This limitation helps ease the risk of an email being blocked by third party email systems for having too many recipients. 

How do I create a mailing list?
Click on Address Book and then New Group on the left.  Give the group a Group Name and click the addresses you want added to the group.  Click Save when you are done.   Type the Group name in the To field when you want to email the group.  Groups should have no more than 100 entries.  If you need a group with more than 100 entries, we recommend you create 2 groups and split the contacts between them. 

How do I whitelist/allow a domain?
Whitelisting domains is not recommended as spammers could forge a domain name, but you can create an allow for a specific domain by going to the Address Book, clicking Manage Domains, selecting Companies(Domains) in the dropdown, clicking Add and adding the domain to the list of entries.  

How do I manage Spam settings?
Login into WebMail and click on the Edit option next to spamBlocker in the left folder list. Click settings to access the various spamBlocker settings.  

Can spam blocking be turned off?
Spam blocking, spamBlocker, cannot be turned off.  

A email I want to received is going to the Known Spam folder, how can I prevent this from happening?
You can report a message flagged as Known Spam for automated review in Web Mail by selecting the message in the Known Spam folder and clicking the This is NOT spam button. 

Is it WebMail or Web Mail?
It is Web Mail with a space.

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