- Select domain from the drop down menu.
- Click On and then Close.
- Click Off and then Close.
- Click on Mail Aliases.

Manage Aliases: This will give you the list of available alias accounts. You can create an alias account here, or delete the existing one and will allow you to change settings for an existing alias account. An alias account is an email address that does not have a physical mailbox or email storage space. Alias accounts must be forwarded to an existing email account with a mailbox and storage space. An alias email address acts as a “front” giving the appearance of unique email account when in actuality it is only an alternative email address to traffic emails through.
Note: Auto responders do not work with forwarded email and alias accounts.
- Viewing List of Alias Accounts: Below screen will help you to view all the existing alias accounts created.

- Creating New Alias Accounts: Click on New Email Alias and fill the details.
Complete the following:
- Alias name – enter the alias account name.
- Select domain – select a domain on which you want to create the alias account.
- Forwarding To email– enter the email address you would like emails to be forwarded to and press Enter.
- Note: You may enter more than one forward to email address.
- Click Create New Alias.

Updating the Existing Alias Account: In order to update the existing alias account, you will need to select the email account and click on the gear icon on the right and select Manage Alias. This will help you to change the information from the existing alias email address. Click on Update Alias once done.

Deleting the Existing Alias Account: In order to delete the existing alias account you will need to select the email account and click on the gear icon on the right and select Delete Alias and then Yes. This will help you to delete the information from the existing alias email address.

- New Account: This will allow you to create a new Email account.
- Click on New Email Account.

Complete the following:
Full Name – enter the full name.
Email – enter the email account name.
Select domain – select a domain on which you want to setup your email.
Password – enter a password. The password strength indicator will display how strong the password is. A good password is between 8 to 12 characters, combination of uppercase and lower case, alpha numeric and has a special character.
Forwarding - when enabled this feature lets you add a forwarding email address.
Click Save. Your new account will be listed on the main page.
- Modify an Email Account: In this section you will be able to make changes to existing email accounts.
- Select the email account you would like to modify and click on the gear icon on the right side and click Manage Email Accounts.

- Edit the following information by clicking on Basics.

Complete the following information:
Full Name – enter the full name.
Email – enter the email account name.
Select domain – select a domain on which you want to setup your email.
Password – enter a password. The password strength indicator will display how strong the password is. A good password is between 8 to 12 characters, combination of uppercase and lower case, alpha numeric and has a special character.
Forwarding - when enabled this feature lets you add a forwarding email address.
Click Save. Your new account will be listed on the main page. - Click on Spam Filter: This will allow you to change the spam settings for the email account. Once enabled you will have different options to select from.

a) Filter Type – allows you to change filter type.
Delete Spam – email which the filter classifies as spam will be deleted automatically. Email which is deleted in this manner is unrecoverable.
Note: There is always a risk that the spam filter may classify legitimate email as spam. We do not recommend enabling the automatic deletion of spam due to this possibility.
Deliver Spam - Email which the spam filter classifies as spam will have “**SPAM**” added to the subject heading of incoming email. The tagged email is delivered along with regular email. This setting is useful if you would like to scan through the email classified as spam by the filter. You can set up an email rule which will place email with **SPAM** as part of the subject line into a different mail folder on your computer. Most email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Webmail, support email sorting.
Quarantine – email which the spam filter classifies as spam will be held back by the mail server and placed in a quarantine folder. This folder is called SPAM incoming. Email which is placed in the quarantine filter will not be delivered with your regular email. To review these emails you will need to visit the corresponding folder. Email in your quarantine folder can be viewed by any email client that maintains an IMAP connection with your email server.
b) Filter Level – allows you to change the filter level.
Light – light mode filtering uses a higher point total to classify spam, and therefore is less capable of detecting and filtering out spam, however if you have set your spam to be deleted automatically, you may want to use the lighter filtering mode to ensure that regular email classified as spam is not deleted.
Standard – standard indicates a custom level of spam filtering is turned on and email will be filtered to remove email from unfamiliar email addresses.
Aggressive – aggressive mode filtering will filter all email that is not in your contact or “safe” list as junk mail.
Note: There is always a risk that the spam filter may classify legitimate email as spam. You may not want to enable the automatic deletion of spam if you are concerned about this possibility. It is recommended you frequently review your spam, trash and or junk folders to ensure a legitimate email has not been classified as spam. It is also recommended that you add email addresses to your Contact lists to ensure your email account receives all emails from the specified sender.
c) Whitelist – allows you to add email addresses to a Safe list.
Note: Enter email address and click Add New Whitelisted Address.
d) Blacklist – allows you to add email addresses to the black list. - Away Message: The Away Message function allows you to automatically reply to incoming email with a pre-written message. This function can be enabled to auto respond to all or specific email addresses sent to your email account.

Note: Away Messages do not work for forwarded and alias accounts.
Message Name - enter a message name.
Respond only if – select the away message condition.
Any field – will send the auto-reply message to everyone who sends an email to the email account.
To (an email containing) – will auto reply to the email messages that are sent to a certain address. Enter the words contained in the email address.
Note: You can enter multiple words. They must be entered with a comma separated by no spaces.
From (an email containing) – will auto reply to messages sent from a specified email address. Enter the desired words contained in the email address.
Note: You can enter multiple words. They must be entered with a comma separated by no spaces.
CC (to an email containing) – will auto reply to email messages that are sent to a certain address. Enter the words contained in the email address.
Note: You can enter multiple words. They must be entered with a comma separated by no spaces.
Subject – will reply to messages whose subject contains some specific text. Enter the text.
Away Message Text- specify the email messages that you want the Away Message to reply to by setting a condition.
Click Create. - Feedback: This will allow you to send feedback concerning Mail Manager.