This article will teach you how to create Users in Control Center.
- When creating a User, the email address has to be unique. If a Customer is attempting to create a User that is already is in use, they will receive the following “Request failed. Please contact Technical Support.” Support will need to ask Customer what email address they have used, go into Webhosts and under Accounts search for the email address under Control Center User.
- Please note, Customers must use email address for User Name. Domain names were used for Customers prior to the Control Launch. If a Customer inadvertently changes the Control Center User from domain name to email address, there is no way to revert.
- Login to Control Center
- Click on Users.

- Click on Add, and enter the data requested /below screen.

- Once all details are filled, the fields will get a check mark that they meet the requirements.

If customer wants to create different User types within the Control Center
- Administrator and Create Users: Under DOMAIN access, you can provide Full access which will allow the user to create new Users, upgrade Services, access all application under Advanced Tools, and modify their User information under General. This can be achieved by selecting Administrator and Create Users
a. Create User option on its own cannot be selected.

- Administrator: If you want the User to have all the above mentions access without the ability to create users then simply select Administrator. The User will be able to upgrade Services, access all application under Advanced Tools, and modify their User information under General.

- If you want to provide the User the ability to manage all applications under all or specific domain, you will select Enabled and select the domains. Control Center access granted for Advanced Tools and General (update user information). User does not have the ability to create users or modify Services

- Domains – This option will provision a Domain user within Control Center. And customers will have all rights with control center for the chosen user.
- FTP - This option will provision a FTP user within FTP Manager and does not provide ability to manage any applications. User will be able to log into Control Center, however they will only have access to update their user information under General in the dropdown. This option is domain specific and cannot be used for multiple domains.

- Email - This option will provision a mailbox within Mail Manager and does not provide ability to manage any applications. User will be able to log into Control Center, however they will only have access to update their user information under General in the dropdown. This option is domain specific and cannot be used for multiple domains.

- Users can choose FTP and EMAIL and it will provision the user within FTP and Mail Manager and does not provide the ability to manage applications. User will be able to log into Control Center, however they will only have access to update their user information under General in the dropdown. This option is domain specific and cannot be used for multiple domains.
- If a User is deleted that was setup under FTP, EMAIL or “FTP & EMAIL”, it will remove the user from the appropriate application (ftp user/mailbox).