What is EarthLink Perks?
EarthLink Perks is a loyalty program for EarthLink customers, offering savings from top brands, strategic partners, and discounts from merchants. To see all the deals, go to perks.earthlink.net.
I forgot my EarthLink Perks password. How do I log in?
It’s easy to log into EarthLink Perks:
Check your inbox for your 6-digit verification code. If you do not see the email in your inbox, check any promotional or spam filters. Copy and enter the code, then click “Sign In” button.
Email with 6-digit verification code
Copy and paste the 6-digit code from the email to EarthLink Perks and click the ”Sign In” button.
6-digit code from the email
I didn’t receive my 6-digit verification code. Where do I get help?
If you do not see your 6-digit verification code in your inbox, then try checking any promotional or spam folders. If you have trouble receiving your code, send a chat message on
perks.earthlink.net or send an email
I do not see my deals on my dashboard. How do I get support?
To see your dashboard, go to
perks.earthlink.net/dashboard. You’ll see Top Recommendations, Favorites, Orders/Consultations, and Recent Views. If you do not see any deals, visit
All Deals and start shopping.
I tried to claim an EarthLink Perks offer and did not see the deal applied to my cart. What do I do next?
First, go directly to the Product page on perks.earthlink.net and view the Product’s FAQS section. You’ll find the Provider’s contact information including phone number and/or Help link.
If you’re experiencing an invalid promo code or deal, send a chat message on perks.earthlink.net or send an email
How does EarthLink Perks work?
EarthLink Perks offers many discounts and special offers for EarthLink customers on products and services from popular national and local brands. Some of the deals are negotiated for EarthLink exclusively for EarthLink customers. Check out all deals at perks.earthlink.net.
Who is EarthLink Perks for?
EarthLink Perks is for current EarthLink customers.
Can my friends and family use EarthLink Perks?
EarthLink customers can use the EarthLink Perks platform to make purchases on behalf of their friends and family.
What kind of deals are available on EarthLink Perks?
You can save on purchases for home, electronics, travel, lifestyle, business products and more anytime, anywhere through this site just by being an EarthLink customer!
How often do the deals change on EarthLink Perks?
Very often! The best way to take advantage of this is to login to the EarthLink Perks site frequently. Shop all deals at perks.earthlink.net.
What browsers are compatible with EarthLink Perks?
EarthLink Perks is compatible with all the following
web browsers.
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
Do you have a mobile app for EarthLink Perks?
No, we currently do not have a mobile app available for EarthLink Perks.
How do I search for offers?
There are 2 ways to search for offers and deals. First, Login to Perks.
Option 1: You will find a search bar on the EarthLink Perks marketplace page:
Begin typing the company, product, or category you are searching for. The search engine should auto-populate potential matches. The offers below will begin automatically filtering based off the information you typed.
Option 2: You will find a Category tab next to the search bar on the EarthLink Perks marketplace page. Select a category from the dropdown menu and browse offers.
How much can I save with EarthLink Perks?
On average, an EarthLink customer can save over $5,000 per year! Some of the most popular offers include savings up to 60% on hotels, 30% on movie tickets, 60% on apparel and more!
How much does EarthLink Perks cost?
EarthLink Perks is free for all current EarthLink customers.
How do I favorite an EarthLink Perks deal?
Login to Perks then navigate to the offer you’re interested in. Click on the heart icon located in the top left-hand corner to add offers to Favorites. 
How do I view EarthLink Perks deals I’ve favorited?
Login to Perks then in the top right-hand corner click “Perks Dashboard”. You will see Top Recommendations, Favorites, Order/Consultations, and Recent Views. Favorites are located in the second section of the page. How do I view my EarthLink Perks orders or consultations?
Login to Perks then in the top right-hand corner click “Perks Dashboard”. You will see Top Recommendations, Favorites, Order/Consultations, and Recent Views. Orders/Consultations are located in the third section of the page. 
How do I view the history of my EarthLink Perks activity?
Login to Perks then in the top right-hand corner click “Perks Dashboard”. You will see Top Recommendations, Favorites, Order/Consultations, and Recent Views. Located in the fourth section, Recent Views, is your history of offers you’ve viewed.
How to Log Into EarthLink Perks
Go to
perks.earthlink.net and click
Login to Perks in the top right corner. You can browse offers without logging in; however, when you navigate to any product page, you will need to click “Login to Start Saving” to take advantage of promotional offers, deals, and discounts in EarthLink Perks.
After clicking “Login to Perks”, a pop-up will appear. Enter your email and click “Send Login Code” to verify your account.
Navigate to your email inbox to find your 6-digit code. If you do not see the email in your inbox, check any promotional or spam filters. Copy and enter the code, then click Sign In.
How to Redeem an EarthLink Perks Offer
First, Login to Perks. Depending on the offer type, you may need to enter a coupon code, or simply click and you’ll be redirected to the third-party website.
- Go to All Deals > navigate to the offer you’re interested in by using Category dropdown menu, "Search the Marketplace” text box, or browse all available deals on the page.
- Click the offer to go to the product page. Each product page has information about savings, benefits, and FAQs.
- Select the orange button to take advantage of the offer. You will typically get redirected to a third-party website to shop, or you will see a coupon code that will need to be entered at checkout. If there is a button, form or code that is not working correctly, please contact perks@perks.earthlink.net.
EarthLink provides information about various deals, promotions, discounts, and other offers on this website for your convenience.
When you click on affiliate links or third-party advertisements on our website, you will be redirected to external websites.
By clicking on affiliate links or participating in promotions, you acknowledge and agree that EarthLink is not responsible for any transactions, issues, disputes, or losses that may arise between you and the third-party website. It is your responsibility to carefully review the terms and conditions, privacy policies, and any other relevant information on the third-party website before engaging in any transactions.
EarthLink disclaims all liability for any damages or losses incurred as a result of your interactions with third-party websites. We encourage you to exercise caution and use your judgment when making purchases or participating in promotions through external links.
If you have any concerns or questions about a specific deal, promotion, discount, or the quality of products or services offered by a third-party website, please contact the third-party directly.
What is a Hot Deal?
Hot Deals are offers that are available for a limited period of time. You will be able to navigate to these deals by selecting Hot Deals in the navigation or in the dropdown category menu. A countdown timer will be displayed that lets you know when this deal expires.
What is an Exclusive Deal?
An exclusive offer is a deal negotiated between EarthLink and a third-party provider that you typically cannot find online or through other affiliate sites. You will be able to navigate to these deals by selecting Exclusive in the navigation or in the dropdown category menu.
How to report an issue with EarthLink Perks site
For support on your order or consultation, contact the provider directly. Go to the product page, click on the “FAQS” tab. You will find information on how to contact the provider directly.
You can report site issues, including broken links and invalid promo codes, by sending an email to
perks@perks.earthlink.net or sending a chat message on perks.earthlink.net.